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Fairview Elementary

Monroe County Community School Corporation

About Us

History of Fairview Elementary School

The original Fairview School, built in 1893, was located at the southwest corner of the current site. A brick addition was added in 1928 and remained a part of the school after the original building was torn down. In 1953, the school expanded to the northwest corner of the site and down West 8th Street, where it served students and teachers until Spring 2010.

In 2007, the MCCSC Board of trustees began conversations in the Bloomington community to discuss the future of Fairview Elementary. After six public forums, the Board decided to rebuild a new Fairview Elementary on the existing school site. In order for the old building to continue to serve staff and students, the new building was planned for the opposite corner of the school site. During the last school year and the end of the previous year, the students and staff shared their schoolyard with contractors and heavy equipment while the new building was taking shape. Additional work and the demolition of the old building were completed during the summer with the doors of the new building opening for the first day of school in Fall 2010.

“The building was designed to be reflective of the adjacent downtown commercial buildings. It has soaring roofs and a rhythm to add interest and pique students’ curiosity and wonder. The new building also includes green elements including geothermal heating and cooling, white roofing, daylighting techniques and sun-screening.” Jayne York, Kirkwood Design Studio







Artisticat, the Fairview Wildcat, is located on the southeast corner of the school. Artisticat was created in partnership with Joe LaMantia, a local artist whose children have attended Fairview. Through community planning sessions, a student design was chosen and pieces of the old building were selected to be included in this project. Artisticat’s eyes are lights from the old entry area, the nose comes from the door to the old coal room, the mouth is cut from the fire escape slide, and the Fairview letters on her base were taken from the front of the old building. On the ground in front of Artisticat are two mosaic paw prints. These were made by the 6th graders in 2010 using marble from window sills in the old building. Artisticat came to live at Fairview in the fall of 2010. The 6th grade class want to name the wildcat the “Artisticat” because it combines the words artist and cat. Students gave distinctive spots by proudly painting it with their handprints.

The words inside of the Artisticat’s mouth are known as our “Fairview Five”. These words embody the expectations set forth to all of the students at Fairview. The words are: respect, responsibility, safety, personal best, and care.